


Corona-Crises in the Philippines and Repression against Human Rights Defenders by the Duterte Regime

Tinay Palabay is the Secretary General of the Human Rights Organisation Karapatan. A skype Interview with her about the impact of the Corona virus in the Philippines and the repressive measures by the government.

Deutsche Version am Freitag.
There is a pending warrant of arrest against Tinay Palabay, so when she gets back to Manila she might get arrested right away at the airport. After some music by the Philippine band Pinikpikan. Tinay Palabay will explain more about the repression of the Duterte regime against Human Rights defenders in the Philippines.

Creative Commons Lizenz

Autor: Radio LoRa, Bianca Miglioretto

Radio: LoRaZH Datum: 30.03.2020

Länge: 19:40 min. Bitrate: 186 kbit/s

Auflösung: Stereo (44100 kHz)