


Saskia Sassen about the financial and economical crisis Part 3

How the current financial and economical crisis effects global cities and nation-building. Saskia Sassen talks to re[h]v[v]o[l]lte radio about the current situation, it's historical backgrounds and the way it inflects global cities and the discourses of nation-building. Saskia Sassen is the Lynd Professor of Sociology and Member, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University.

How the current financial and economical crisis effects global cities and nation-building. Saskia Sassen talks to re[h]v[v]o[l]lte radio about the current situation, it's historical backgrounds and
the way it inflects global cities and the discourses of nation-building.

Saskia Sassen is the Lynd Professor of Sociology and Member, The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University. Her new books are Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages ( Princeton University Press 2006) published in German by Suhrkamp (2008) as Das Paradox des Nationalen, and A Sociology of Globalization (W.W.Norton 2007).

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Autor: re[h]v[v]o[l]lte radio

Radio: FSK Datum: 15.01.2009

Länge: 21:45 min. Bitrate: 128 kbit/s

Auflösung: Stereo (44100 kHz)