


Last day of the WSF in Dakar, Part I: The assembly of the women's organizations ended in chaos. An assessment of the Forum by Lilian and Betania of the Feminist Dialogs.

The assembly of the women's organizations was divided over the question whether or not to include the struggle of the Saharoui women in the final declaration.

Moroccan women opposed any mentioning of the occupation of the West-Sahara by Morocco. An interview with Lilian Celiberti and Betania Avila of the Feminist Dialogs about the WSF 2011, the women's assembly and future perspectives.

Creative Commons Lizenz

Autor: Bianca Miglioretto, AMARC

Radio: LoRaZH Datum: 20.02.2011

Länge: 11:55 min. Bitrate: 128 kbit/s

Auflösung: Stereo (44100 kHz)